Online JavaScript Rorschach’s Inkblot Test

What if you were asked to describe images you saw in an inkblot? There is a well-known scene in Woody Allen’s Take The Money And Run (1969) when Virgil Starkwell (Allen) takes a psychological test to join the Navy, but is thwarted by his lascivious unconscious. The psychological measure that proves to be Starkwell’s undoing—rejected, he… Continue reading Online JavaScript Rorschach’s Inkblot Test

Purple things with trails doing the Random Walk

Quick object-oriented Random Walk visualization in Javascript. A Random Walk is a stochastic process describing a path that consists of a series of random steps on some mathematical space. In this visualization a bunch of purple things are made out off a “particle class” designed in object-oriented fashion, employing a simple physic engine programmed in a Javascript framework called P5JS. See… Continue reading Purple things with trails doing the Random Walk